New York I first visited Nov. 11, 2018 and soon around April 2019 I will leave behind…

Whether it be New York City or some other country, the same scenario will happen…you will come to visit and then sooner or later, leave it behind… However, if it is New York City it is very painful to do so. Well, I can take it with more joy than pain in that my visa is good for ten (10) years. Thus, if I save enough or my daughter adopts me as dependent or plain luck in the offing, who is to say I will be here again sooner rather than later.

New York : the city of your dreams

I have traveled outside my country. Every stay had always been memorable but at the back of my mind was the longing for the place called New York City. So it was like a dream fulfilled when barely a year my daughter was able to sponsor my trip to this city. So November 2018 came and the dream became real.

NYC and the other cities through the lens of my camera…

The most important pose upon reaching the airport. Aha! New York City at last, yahoo!

But other countries are equally wow!

Hongkong, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore – their tourist spots are really TOURIST SPOTS! Perhaps this is their pride-every tourist comes out awed and eager to go back again!

Then there is New York City… and of the few months I have been here, the tourist spots are just top of the line.

Pictures are not the only proofs of the country’s best features but at least it gives us the country’s face. Expect me to share more of the documentary which is greatly done by and

So the New York City I first visited last November 11, 2018 and soon to leave behind this coming April 2019 is not the point of this post. Rather it is to say in some other other way the quality of time that is spent not the quantity of time that matters more. So fellow bloggers: see you soon. In the meantime, let us pray for our world. It seems while we are enjoying the good side of our dream…others have become homeless and still others, engage in various crimes we can only watch in horror.







Valentine’s Day: loving reminder to love with all our hearts.

Do you agree with my premise? That indeed, Valentine’s Day is a loving reminder to love with all our hearts? Being a wife and mom, a grandmother, a teacher all my life, now a senior citizen and a Girl Scout Volunteer, do these make my premise acceptable and reliable? Let me tell a story…a portion of a long story…

Once upon a time, a girl from Bukidnon, wanted to do BIG things! For someone so small, she had dreamed to see what is out there: to conquer, to love and be loved. She wanted to achieve in many fields and thought why not?

Fast forward, she pictured in her mind her dream man, someone tall and the man of her dreams. She finally met him and she understood love. Of this love, four beautiful, versatile children came to our lives.

At this juncture, allow some of the photos available give testimonies to the many facets of the reminders how love forms us and makes us reach out to others and acknowledge the roles of people around our basic family circle.



Tips how to Overcome Homesickness Attack (OHA) while in New York City

Humans as we are, part of our humanity is the feeling of homesickness. It attacks you anytime, anywhere and before you ares aware of it, your tears just begin falling down your cheeks. Some tips are in order for sanity and order- Tips how to overcome Homesickness Attack (OHA) while in New York City or anywhere in the world.alling Homesickness as an attack should not be taken literally. Attack is used to mean that homesickness is like a reflex action. It comes or surfaces without much thought. It is triggered by the surroundings we are in or movie or play we are looking at or watching a pet being cuddled by its loving owner. Precisely because it is natural, it can be overcome;

  • Homesickness comes from two words: home and sickness. As such it is good to think of our loved ones from home and remember you are away from them because of them. Sickness in this context is not physical but emotional so like a “dis ease”.
  • To overcome this “attack” and “dis ease” is to catalyze these feelings through your gift of openness and positive attitude towards life-situations;

  • Since homesickness confronts you any time and/or any where then have your journal ready to release the present state of your mind at the same time, be ready with your cell phone to take pictures of extraordinarily beautiful sights or eat your favorite food or dessert;
  • Being homesick myself, my defense is offense. My daughter is presently working here in New York City and she herself shared her Homesickness Attacks and one effective defense she actually did and was successful in doing so was to cry when there was need and called home once time allowed her – what with the 12 hour delay between US and Asia. Even her beloved dog was aware of the homesickness so part of the call was to communicate via Duo Messenger, face-to-face hi’s and hello’s. This back and forth communication was regular especially on week-ends.
  • Use all your gifts to “pay forward”, more specifically when you have been blessed abundantly.  Life’s ambivalence is in giving not in receiving. This is made more poignant when the recipient of your generosity is really experiencing life’s worst trials; and
  • As in Desiderata: “With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Strive to be happy. In relation to OHA, strive to wear it with a smile and positive attitude.