3 reasons to say thank you just for today

3 reasons? only 3 reasons? Yes! you can start with 3 and then tomorrow another 3 and then the following day,  3 until you can safely say you have to give thanks everyday! AGREE?!

  1. The way we come into this world is already one essential reason to say thanks. Reality tells us two people decided to fall in love and as one manifestation of their love, a love child comes along. Thank you my Tatay and Nanay for bringing me to this world and in a nice way raised me up to be simple yet loaded with talents coming from both your persons. Furthermore, I thank you for giving me brothers and sisters who really made my family life full of good and happy memories. No wonder many express dissatisfaction when they talk about their personal experiences because they had painful and sad events growing up. Thank you Lorenzo Sr. and Filemoncita.
  2.  As one has a path to follow, one destiny is married life. My marriage lasted for 20 years and this love-hate relationship produced 4 beautiful and handsome children. Why love-hate? It is because it is…in fact the good and the bad intersperse only to make you a better wife, mother and citizen of the world. Indeed, marriage is not meant for everybody for like the other paths namely single lay state and religious life, the challenges are basically tarnished with the good and the bad. My husband died when he was 55 years old and I was a widow at 47 years. The story one has when getting married, raising the children, becoming a single parent and entering senior citizenship is one story after another and to this date, continues  to go on. One can only give thanks for accepting the bearable and the unbearable incidents of living. Of the many branches of life, seeing the children become adults themselves is the crown of your existence. As though you can cease to exist already and not be sad for every one is capable of living on her/his own. Everything is already a bonus when the children become productive citizens of the world. Thank you Irene, Benedict, Nathaniel and Lorenzo Paul.
  3. The technological world is a world of wonder especially for the senior citizens and widows. In my case I decided to become a Girl Scout volunteer and a Social Media blogger. The gadgets that come our way give glitter and excitement to each of us especially when all we can do is toy with it even as we become updated with what is happening here, there and everywhere. For as long as you have an Android, a cellphone and if possible, a laptop or a netbook, you have enough to occupy your time. Thank you Samsung, Oppo and Dell. How I wish I can have Apple and Samsung Galaxy…any sponsor reading this? Thank you technological advances for making the world small and reachable just using the tips of our fingers!
