Endearments are the family’s vocabulary :)

Cultures vary especially in the customs and practices or tradition but if there is something where regardless of trappings, family endearments overcome differences. Languages are not familiar to all of us so we cannot claim we know its counterparts in the dialect or language we know.

Take 3 girls born one after the other so the simple mother called the eldest, Gingging; the next Gangging; the youngest Ganggang. How can this mom be so creative and come up with easy to remember endearing names? Then this other mother had 3 boys in a row so she names the eldest, Benben, short cut of Benedict; Chevy for the next because the mother’s favorite Hollywood actor is Chevy Chase; Bonbon for the youngest becauseĀ  there is a Benben so why not a Bonbon?

Would you like to share your mother’s names of endearment? Go ahead and let us rejoice we have endearing mothers šŸ™‚