Something must be said about gun violence, drug addiction, child trafficking etc.

For some of us who us who have lived for more than half a century, specifically being 66 years old just last July 1, whatever joyous event comes along, we have to relish it.

The aforementioned observation is triggered by the horrible news we see, hear or read everyday. Take the Orlando shooting, the Turkey suicide “bombing” in an unexpected place – airport! So many lost their lives unnecessarily because of misguided beliefs – that the homosexuals must be “punished” and the travellers inconvenienced and hurt for a negative belief of one’s s0-called religion.

In the Philippines of where I come from, many things are happening nowadays with the new administration of President Rodrigo Duterte. The most significant turn of events centers on drugs. So many users and pushers are caught red-handed. One mayor resorted to “walk of shame” and although it looked inhumane, not many say against it because at least something drastic is being done. The latest, in Claveria Cagayan, almost 1 Billion worth of drugs buried under the “sand” and all it took was a concern citizen who told the authorities about it. Robbery  or “akyat bahay” is also rampant and would you believe, the robber goes up the house wearing “only briefs” to “travel light” so to speak. All these crimes are nowhere near the actual crimes that seem to plague our society, here in the Philippines and all over the world.

Something must be said about gun violence, drug addiction, child trafficking, etc. Can you do the same?