40-inch tv set plus cable connection plus supply of snacks

When it is retirement time, a good tv set, like 40-inch tv connected to a reliable cable service and abundant supply of  nutritious snacks spell heaven on earth! The malaise that constantly attacks an elderly is enough to change your mood from bad to worse. Thus an educational, quality tv viewing offers a venue to redirect the attention from something that dampens one’s spirit to something that is  intellectually and emotionally rewarding!

Some of us senior citizens are so caught up up with varying moods, the suggested entertainment package is a pleasant catharsis. If only the grown children give importance to this felt need, more elderly will find themselves ever active and productive physically, intellectually and socially, notwithstanding the realization that they are loved 🙂

Simple solution to a family phenomenon which deals with retired-parents, senior citizens or the elderly:  40 to 50-inch television set connected to cable and abundant supply of  nutritious snacks during the tv viewing.

Am I talking to you, grown children? Or caregiver? Or concerned citizen?