Art of making a go of everyday

Art embraces the strategy of making a go of everyday’s demands. The capacity to keep pace with the trials and emerge victorious is indeed art in action. The very fact that you overcome the ups and downs regardless of educational attainment only shows the versatility and resourcefulness of persons.

One’s youthfulness is one advantage in making a go of everyday. The young are impulsive and very ready to try everything. There are pros and cons of this stage and if it is guided accordingly, the young breezes through this natural state and enters young adulthood successfully.

It is therefore sad to note that the young welcomes maturity without much effort but some so-called chronologically mature shepherd’s and find difficulty in coping with problems. It is understandable because they may have children who need their financial support and other affiliations that call constant focus and time. Still we know, everyone goes through the same dilemmas and what differentiates one from the other is attitude and faith.

The art of making a go of everyday is ultimately your unique response to the call of life to say yes no matter what. Art is defined by you so there are no two persons who respond the same in all aspects. You alone make a go of everyday! You are the art who makes a go of everyday!