If you have never laughed so hard, view “Friends” & “Everybody Loves Raymond”

Maybe it is because these are the tapes available around the house but really, “Friends” and “Everybody Loves Raymond” have never ceased to tickle you through and through. Usually we just laugh without giving much attention to the dialogues. Now that you have the chance to view these tv episodes right there in your living room, listen closely to the interactions and you will not only laugh but learn expressions and values too!

I have never laughed so hard just watching and re-watching the episodes. By now you must have observed that when you laugh so hard, you cry. A friend told me it is because we use the same gland, the tear gland, so we shed a tear or two when we are hurt or sad and shed a tear or two when we laugh so much.

Life is already so difficult to live with, it is always a welcome opportunity to laugh so hard like what “Friends” and Everybody Loves Raymond” do to you. If you have never laughed so hard, view “Friends” and “Everybody Loves Raymond” (y)